A few months ago my parents gave me a purity ring. Some of you may have seen other girls with these on, and some of you may have one. If you don't already have one, you may be wondering what the big deal is with these purity rings, and if they have special meaning to those of us who have one. Hopefully I can answer most, if not all, of your questions by telling you about my own purity ring.
If you don't already know this, I am a fairly emotional person. I like to let my heart lead instead of my head. I also have very strong convictions about certain things. Since this is part of my personality, my purity ring represents my commitment to emotional purity. Yes, it reminds me that I am committed to physical purity for my whole life, but the emotional aspect if the most important for me. What do I mean by emotional purity? I am not to give myself away in any relationship by the things I say or do. This means that I have to proceed cautiously and prayerfully in order to keep my emotions in check while I explore what God's plan is for me.
My purity ring has a verse on it. It says Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord, "plans for prosperity and not for harm. Plans to give you a future and a hope." This is the third thing that my purity ring reminds me of. I am reminded that God is in control and that He knows better than I ever could what is best for me. He loves me more than anyone else and will never do anything to hurt me. My God is AWESOME!!!
I hope that this answers some of your questions about purity rings. Don't hesitate to ask me what it means to me. I would love to share with you.
If you have any questions, please email me. sistersinchrist.girlz@gmail.com