Here it is:
Okay, I have given you the challenge. Now I get to convince you to take it!
As Christians, it is vitally important for us to know what the Bible teaches so that we can "take our stand against the devil's schemes." (Ephesians 6:11) How will you know what to believe if you don't read God's Word? In Jeremiah 29:13 it says, "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Have you noticed that it is a little difficult to learn something without studying? The same is true of God's Word. Without reading it, we will never learn the depths of the truths in it. If we don't learn the truths, how are we going to grow in our faith?
Now that you are convinced, let me give you the details on how to take the challenge.
If you are really committed to taking this challenge, then here's how you start: 1. pick a book of the Bible or passage that you want to read through. If you want to start in a short easy-to-read book, try Proverbs. The chapters are short, and it isn't too hard to understand. Give it a go! There are exactly 31 chapters, so it would perfectly match up with the days there are in March. If you want to try the New Testament, try the book of Mark. It isn't too long, and it is packed full of high-action stories. 2. Send me an email at with your name, age, and address. (This information will not be used for any purpose other than this specific contest.) I would love to know if you are taking the challenge so that I can pray for you as you take it. 3. Be serious about it! If you aren't committed to this challenge, you probably won't make it through to then end. Don't hesitate to ask God for some help in doing this. He will give you the perseverance to make it for the whole month!
Don't hesitate to challenge your friends and family to do this with you. Some moral support can go a long way in accomplishing a goal!